One day sometime after the ultrasound, I had a horrible thought. I had absolutely no preparations in place for a baby. Where we now stood, my little girl would be coming home from the hospital completely nude!
A Writer’s Life

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Part 3: A Troubling Diagnosis
by Rachel Ann Nunes
As we waited for the appointment, I learned that in nearly 89% of babies who have this condition also have some other severe spinal, cranial, or skeletal problem. Many die before the end of the pregnancy. All my fears seemed to be coming true.
Part 2: The Decision
by Rachel Ann Nunes
Having a baby is always a big decision, but when you already have six children, three of whom are living away from home or will be by the time the baby is born, and your youngest will be eight before the birth, it is a significantly larger decision.
Part 1: The Secret is Out
by Rachel Ann Nunes
I’m not going to make you read a whole page before I blurt it out. I’m not sure how it became a secret at all . . .