More Chances to Win Saving Madeline!

More reviews of Saving Madeline! Remember to comment on these sites to be entered to win a free copy of the book! Good luck!

21 Responses to “More Chances to Win Saving Madeline!”

  1. Ryan and Janet mumford

    I love love love your books. So excited to read this new one! you are amazing!

  2. Lori Nawyn

    Rachel, congratulations on your wonderful new book! I would love to win a copy.

  3. Parrish Family

    I want to win this book! I am always looking for something new to read!

  4. Lacie Kirk

    Rachel! I love your books. I own so many of them. Keep it up!


  5. sarah

    This one sounds like another great book! I love the Ariana series as well! 🙂

  6. Wendy

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wendy

    I'm in the process of trying to collect all your books. Doing good so far (but still missing a few), a free one can't hurt the efforts!

  8. Tracie

    I have loved every single book that you have written, and I am sure that Saving Madeline, will be the same. I now have my 16 year old daughter reading them now. We both love them.

  9. Anonymous

    I love your books Rachel, I especially love the Ariana series.

  10. Rachel Ann Nunes

    Sounds like a plan, Tamara.

    And thanks, Sophia. Glad you've enjoyed my books!

  11. Sophia

    sounds like another excellent book. I love your characters and stories.

  12. Tamara Hart Heiner

    ha! how funny. your Portuguese would be quite different from mine, but when we get together in person (some day when my books are making tons of money and I can fly to every conference in Utah that I want), we can speak Portuguese.

  13. Rachel Ann Nunes

    On my mission to Portugal!

  14. Tamara Hart Heiner

    On my mission to Brazil. You?

  15. Rachel Ann Nunes

    Kandis, thanks for the comments! That's great you were able to be in France but how hard to be there without your family. I'm glad my book brought you comfort!

  16. Rachel Ann Nunes

    Tamara, that is random. Where did you learn Portuguese?

  17. That Girl

    The first book I ever read of yours was Arianna, and I was in France so homesick. My mom sent it to me…I was 16 and all alone in a strange country. However reading your book brought me such comfort, and I began a life long love for your writting. When I am asked who is my favorite author…I without hesitation site you. Thanks for all your inspiration you have given me for the past 12 years!

  18. Tamara Hart Heiner

    I also speak English and Portuguese…how random.

  19. Rachel Ann Nunes

    Yes, just leave a comment on as many of these blogs as you want, including this one and you are entered! (I just looked at blogger and they had the URLs in tiny font, but I fixed that!)

    Thanks, ladies. I'm glad you love my books!

  20. Lori Lou

    I just love your books!

  21. One Cluttered Brain

    Just leave a comment and I have a chance to win? Cool. I probably should Facebook it too. Rachel, you are AWESOME!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!


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